Atividade Inspesaun hala’o husi Ekipa Inpesaun Geral do Jogo (IGJ) akompanha mos husi Diretor Ezekutivu REDSTAR GLOBAL TIMOR LDA (Grand Dragon Lotaria) Sr. Maximiliano Piedade. Inspesaun refere hala’o iha fatin 4: Fatuhada – Agent Center…
Conferencia de Imprensa Grand Dragon Lotaria no Dream Event Creative (DEC) kolabora hodi realiza event “DJ Festival Timor-Leste 2022”
Ohin loron iha Press Conference iha GD HQ nian atu public collaboration husi Grand Dragon Lotaria ho Dream Event Creative (DEC) nu’udar Event Organizer ida ‘East Timor DJ Festival 2022’. Participant sira iha press conference…
Raimundo said that he missed buying his number on Thursday, but then GD announced that can still serve clients who wants to buy SS on Friday. That’s what made him get his dream number.
Kleur ona iha menan nain iha GD Lotto. Agora, ami iha bonus ki’ik ida-ne’ebé ami hetan manán na’in 323. Numeru ne’ebé mak manán mak 0605 ne’ebé manán na’in 323 ne’ebé lori ba uma USD S7,064…
Ho ejizensia maka’as hosi ami-nia costumer/ kliente sira, ami nia jestor deside ona atu prolonga tan promosaun 7 to’o 30 Juñu 2022. Labele lakon oportunidade atu manán premiu espesiál ida-ne’e.
Relasiona ho loron nasionál restaurasaun independénsia Timor Leste nian ami hakarak festeja loron boot ne’e ho promosaun prémiu manán nia ba jogu 3D (3 Angka) hodi aumenta valór prémiu husi USD $500 sa’e ba USD$700,…
Congratulations again to our winner. He had won the 2nd round in our ” Play & Win” campaign. And this time, he won the Redmi 9A phone! Congratulations again to our winner! Why wait! With…
Congratulation to our 1st winner for winning the 1st prize which is the Motor Yamaha Mio125. He had won the prize with the 4D number 7470 on 8 April 2022. A big congratulation to the…
Today, we have another winner who had won USD 2,001.60 for the GD 4D number 5146. Congratulation to the winner!