As the leader of Asia’s premier lottery provider, Grand Dragon Lotaria Timor Leste, known as GDLotto, we are dedicated to delivering the ultimate experience in secure live lottery gaming for the people of Timor Leste….
Grand Dragon Lotaria expresses sincere gratitude to the Taekwondo Club Academia Dragon UNTL for their collaboration, which has allowed the successful organization of this event. Thanks also to all the clubs across the Timor Leste…
Install the Grand Dragon Lotaria apps in to your phone to access apd play in your own.Weʼre providing safe, digital, modern, and transparent lottery business to Timor Leste. Being a leader of Asiaʼs Lottery provider,…
Hey, thrill-seekers and fortune-chasers! The GDLotto 4D Jackpot is now standing tall at nore than USD 5,000,000! 🌐💸 Time to turn your luck into fortune and become the next multi-millionaire! Run, don’t walk, to your…
GDLotto 4D Jackpot agora aumenta aas liu ho osan 5,000,000 dolares Amerikano! 🌐💸 Tempu atu halo ita nia sorte no bele sai ona millaun barak tuir mai! Halai, keta la’o, to’o GD nia fatin ne’ebe…
Instala Aplikasaun Grand Dragon Lotaria iha ita bo’ot sira nia telemovel atu bele joga no asesu direita.Ami Fornese jogu lotaria ne’ebé mak seguru, dijitál, modernu no transparente. Nu’udar operador lotaria ne’ebe bo’ot iha Azía, Grand…
Hello everyone! Exciting news! We’ve officially launched our Instagram 📸 page. Stay in the loop and get the latest updates by following us. Your support means the world to us! See you there! 🎉 #FollowUs…
Ola, Maluk sira! Hau mak Long Long, ikon husi GD Lotaria nian. Ha’u kontente tebes tanba ha’u rekomenda ba imi hotu. Hau mak dragon ki’ik ho GD Lotaria nia oin, ha’u iha ne’e atu sai…