Ho ejizensia maka’as hosi ami-nia costumer/ kliente sira, ami nia jestor deside ona atu prolonga tan promosaun 7 to’o 30 Juñu 2022. Labele lakon oportunidade atu manán premiu espesiál ida-ne’e.
Relasiona ho loron nasionál restaurasaun independénsia Timor Leste nian ami hakarak festeja loron boot ne’e ho promosaun prémiu manán nia ba jogu 3D (3 Angka) hodi aumenta valór prémiu husi USD $500 sa’e ba USD$700,…
GD Lotaria is bringing more surprises to you again!This time, they had come up with the All 7 Promotion where you will definitely WOW and be excited about this. In conjunction with the National Day…